Author acceptance popup

@ryan.dix Do you save in the db when an author has accepted the publication licences and politics?

And, we’ll need to add the whole acceptance licence in the author form popup, so it has to stay on a div and the exces text to be scrolled down.

And a check box “I have read the lecience…” and save in the db the date and author info that has accepted this.

I believe they cant submit unless they have accepted… is that true @ryan.dix

Hi @proal, If the form setting ‘Show confirmation page when submitting?=Yes’, and the end user accepts - the status changes to "submitted’. User actions on the ‘Confirmation’ pop-up are not saved in the database. Form field data is saved to the database. Does this answer your question?

So, I’ve we’d like to save the “I accept terms and conditions”, maybe we have to add it in the formular, that way we can save a particular author, date and time with an acceptance?