Kotahi 3.1 Release

Release v3.1.0 (3.1.0)


Semantic Scholar integration; Group Managers can now select servers to import preprints/journals from Configuration>‘Semantic Scholar’ section. A checkbox setting to enable/disable the import of preprints from Semantic Scholar has also been added.

Author proofing feedback; has also been refactored. Authors and editors will now access feedback from the Production editor>Feedback page. Permissions have been added to ensure the feedback form is locked when authors are providing feedback, and accessible in a read-only state after a feedback form has been submitted.

New links have been provided to access the Production editor;

  • Authors can access the Production editor from the Dashboard>My Submissions>Actions link.

  • Editors can access the Production editor from the Dashboard>Manuscripts I’m editor of>>Actions link.

There is also a record kept of all submitted feedback per version. Filter by version to see author feedback per round within the context of a manuscript version.

Other enhancements;

  • Flax was updated to improve robots.txt. Previously, only index.html was disallowed. If a draft article page was linked from an external public website, a crawler could follow that link and crawl the entire draft site. In non-draft node, a crawler was disallowed from crawling the listing of articles, which would prevent it from indexing the site.
  • Update to import DocMaps from the eLife API.
  • XSweet flag that turns MathType inserted into Docx into equations accessible in Wax. Please note this is a Beta release. The current solution works most consistently when using output from MathType version 6. We’re working on support for MathType version 7.

Bug fixes;

  • Fix that locked reviewers out of a review on multi-version manuscripts.
  • Fix Dockerfile production.
  • Fixes to editor assignment, permissions and form migration.
  • Moved plugins folder to packages/server/config/plugins.
  • Fix to hide author proofing email notification templates from the Control panel>Tasks&Notifications page.

Next release;

  • Various page and menu behaviour and styling changes to improve usability e.g. sticky menus and creating a tabbed view. In the Configuration Manager.
  • Exposing CMS (Flax) directory tree.
  • Metadata manager to expose publication metadata e.g. ISSN etc.
  • Configuration setting to allow Group Managers/Editors to edit submitted reviews.